An estimated 25,000 acres of
North Carolina are dedicated to growing beautiful
Fraser Fir trees by about 1,600 growers, for a
combined 50 million Fraser Fir trees. The Fraser Fir
represents roughly 90% of all species of Christmas
trees grown in North Carolina. Of all species
available, the North Carolina Fraser Fir has been
judged the best through a contest sponsored by the
National Christmas Tree Association, and has been
chosen for the official White House Christmas Tree a
total of 9 times (more than any other species).
For a tree grower, there is no higher honor than
presenting one of your own trees to the First Lady
of the United States to be displayed in the White
House. Each year growers compete within their state
for the chance to compete at the national level.
Bruner and Homer Sides, Randal’s father and uncle,
won this prestigious honor in 1973, and it is our
goal to one day proudly present one of our own trees
as the official White House Christmas tree.
If you have any questions about Randal & Kimberly Sides Nursery, please contact us at 336.372.2526,
email us, or use our
online request form.